Witness Live Demos of Active RFID Tags

Meet with ID Integration Experts at the NCMS Technology Showcase on August 25 and 26, 2021.

Deciding on the best RFID technologies to fit your specific shipyard needs is challenging without seeing the newest innovations in action. Where can you go to watch hands-on, live demo presentations of our state-of-the-art RFID technologies? Take advantage of the rare opportunity to witness our autonomic processes, and approach our experts to address your specific questions when you attend the NCMS (National Center for Manufacturing Sciences) Technology Showcase, August 25th and 26th, at the Puget Sound Shipyard & IMF (Intermediate Maintenance Facility) Kitsap Conference Center in Bremerton Washington.

You’ll see our newest technologies to solve the age-old problems of failing audits, wasting valuable time searching for critical items, tools, and equipment in your shipyard. Efficiency is hampered, deadlines are delayed, and data entry accuracy is prone to errors. ID Integration’s RFID Smart Technology is the remedy.

Seeing is believing. Discover at the NCMS Technology Showcase how active RFID tags, GPS RFID tag tracking, and precise IUID recognition hardware and software save time and money.

For example:

Reduce transfer time from ship to pallets, forklifts, and trucks with GPS RFID tags.

Tag the containers in your shipyard to quickly locate cargo ready for transfer. Tag tooling and equipment to track the movement throughout the shipyard and be able to locate its location in real time on the shipyard map.

Track the movement of workers coming on and off vessels.

Adhere active RFID tags to the inside of their helmets or using lanyards to ensure that only specifically authorized personnel gains access to the ship and its cargo and monitor their safety.

Ensure the speedy and precise scanning of IUID barcodes for inventory and audits.

Cargo carrying labels and identification destined for government and military use are scanned to confirm compliance, thus eliminating costly mistakes with manual data entry.

Check out our ultimate Smart Technology Solutions:

•V-Tag Active RFID tags eliminate the need to install expensive antennas to locate equipment and tools on-demand. Each tag “talks” to each other to form an ad-hoc network, thus removing the need for investing in infrastructures and complicated set-up. Automate inventory management, automate work order processes and analytics, monitor the movement of tagged items, track assets for audits, and locate missing tools and equipment.

GPS Long Range Outdoor V-Tag™ RFID tracking technology is built for the rugged outdoors. Each tag is enclosed within a case that protects it from moisture, dust, and extreme temps. Tag assets between docks, buildings, and ships, and track items up to 9 square miles! Find locations of outgoing containers on their way for shipment and incoming containers cuing up for Homeland Security inspection.

BarCodeOS® technology is at the forefront of IUID verification for Department of Defense shipments. Scanners equipped with BarCodeOS® software flawlessly read shipping label PDF417 codes for DoD MIL-129/130 validation without incidence of malicious OS threats — BarCodeOS® reader technology is the World’s Only bar code scanner software that comes with patented firewall protection!

Solutions that improve your shipyard’s efficiency are on display at the upcoming NCMS Technology Showcase. Meet the IDI experts one-to-one on the exhibit floor, or contact us to schedule a virtual demo and learn about the best tracking solutions to fit your shipyard’s needs: (425) 348-2533.