Take advantage of the opportunity to witness the most cutting edge solutions for hospital asset tracking available

Unlock the Future of Hospital Asset Tracking and Supply Chain Management at AHRMM24
Join Us at the AHRMM Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Imagine a world where your overworked hospital staff,

Announcing Zebra Technologies’ Healthcare Vision Study: Key Trends and Insights
We are excited to share the release of Zebra’s Hospital Materials Management Vision Study, which reveals key

Simplify Dental Inventory Management: RFID’s Path to Precision
Our innovative digital dental inventory management solution is tailored to oversee device consignment sales and serve surgical

The Research Is In: Discover How Healthcare Inventory Management Can Be Transformed Overnight
The latest case study from IDENTI Medical Data Sensing, incorporating the innovative Snap & Go™ image recognition

Take Advantage of Your Chance to Demo the Hottest Healthcare Data Capture Tech & Finally Free Up Essential Staff from Time-Wasting Non-Clinical Tasks
Here at ID Integration, we understand the urgency to find ways to do more with less staff

Watch the Replay of the Efficiency In Motion: Leveraging Technology To Enhance Patient Safety Webinar
Learn Innovations in Healthcare Workflow Automation Tech Join our Co-founder and CEO, Gary Moe, along with Co-founder

How to Avoid Using Expired Medical Equipment
Today’s hospital and care facility staff shortages create a true burden. Essential medical personnel are required to

Discover Successful Ways to Implement RFID for Healthcare
Hospitals today face growing challenges in managing assets, inventory, and patient safety—all while trying to reduce costs